Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forthcoming Banner of Truth Titles.

The Banner of Truth Trust has been a consistently excellent publisher since the 1950s. They publish books of lasting worth, not just the latest paperback self-help book that will vanish as quickly as it appeared. Two books announced recently, but not yet available in the UK caught our eye as ones that are of particular interest.

First, John Morgan's Calvinistic Methodist Fathers of Wales. Translated into English for the first time, it apparently consists of "two massive volumes", hence the rather steep price of £40. It is apparently full of primary source material, rather like the four volumes of the Lives of the Early Methodist Preachers. Another piece of Church history that was hidden to us English for so long is finally put into English dress. We trust that the translator has done his job as well as he did with The Atonement Controversy. It may take us a while to get together the funds to buy this work, if some kind soul does not send us a review copy.

The second volume is by Iain Murray, Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace. This is no mere re-hashing of material from the two-volume biography of Lloyd-Jones that Murray wrote, but a study of three major themes in Lloyd-Jones. These are: the nature of true preaching; the need for full assurance for Christianity to be vibrant and persuasive; and the question of whether or not Lloyd-Jones' understanding of the New Testament Church was overly divisive. It promises to be another of Iain Murray's great contributions to Reformed literature.

We shall be tightening the belts to add these volumes to our library. Unfortunately medical issues prevent us from selling our bed.

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Blogger Hiraeth said...

While I may have to find my wallet. I think it's under a load of papers. Possbily moved so that I can get to my keyboard.

8:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been to John MacArthur's site recently?

You might check this out:

6:24 am  

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