Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Griffith Jones, Llanddowror: Rector of Llanddowror

Sir Thomas Philipps, like many of the Welsh gentry, had the gift of numerous parishes, a legacy from the Middle Ages. On 27 July 1716, Griffith Jones was appointed Rector of Llanddowror, this, his earliest biography states, "... was given him by Sir John intirely [sic.] upon the account of his Learning and Piety, without Solicitations from Mr. Jones or any of his friends." This place was to be the seat of his labours until the end of Griffith Jones' life.

Now settled in a parish, Griffith Jones' thoughts began to drift towards matrimony. In 1720, Griffith Jones married Margaret Philipps, Sir John's sister. Given the sympathies of her brother and husband, it is likely that Margaret was also possessed of evangelical views, although she was to be afflicted with poor health.
Some have suggested that Griffith Jones felt a closer fellowship to Madam Bevan than to his wife, and certainly Jones seems to have found less sympathy in his wife than he had expected, as Harris, Whitefield and Wesley would also discover. However, the financial resources of his wife were useful in supporting a mistry which was to take hims beyond the boundaries of a Parish which paid £38 a year, enough to support a pastor, but not an apostle, for Griffith Jones was possessed of an industry which would carry him beyond the boundaries of Parish and county, into all of Wales.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - came across your fascinating blog. Can't find any other way to contact you both.
I have bene looking for pictures of Llanddowror Church s I am putting together a slideshow for Youtube about the village and its church 9including Griffith Jones) - would you mind me using your pics if I credit them? I have already doen a few slideshows for my local villages - I can send a link if you want. Its all not profit - just for my interest.
Regards Ruth

10:47 pm  

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