William Lindsay Alexander. VI.

Following a government purchase of their building in 1855, the old North College Street Church had to build a new home for themselves. As their pastor, Dr. William Lindsay Alexander was intimately involved with the project. He was original in both name and design. The style of the building was something of a novelty for 1850s Edinburgh, which preferred Neoclassical architecture, and the name he chose was unusual - he called it 'Augustine Church', after his favourite Church Father (Michael Haykin would probably like Dr. Alexander). The Church is illustrated here.
Although they had some problems with the construction of the building, it was finally opened on 8th November 1861. Alexander led the opening service, explaining that congregationalists attatch no particular sanctity to buildings, but that they dedicated their building in prayer to God's service, for it had been built to his glory. It is an evidence of Dr. Alexander's reformed 'ecumenicity' that the sermon at the opening of the church was preached by Dr. Guthrie of the Free Church of Scotland.
There had been no organ at North College Street, and the congregational singing, led by an excellent choir, had been incredibly impressive; North College Street had "the best sung congregation in Edinburgh." Just to hear the singing there was a blessing. At first Augustine Church had no organ, but in 1863 a brand new organ was presented to the church. It was not the blessing some thought it would be, for congregational singing at Augustine Church was never the same again.
The ministry of Dr. Alexander at Augustine Church was blessed as his ministry at North College Street had been. But Dr. Alexander was now a leader in the Scottish Congregationalists. A decided Calvinist (or Augustinian!) himself, Dr. Alexander deplored the sort of theological laxity that some Congregationalists displayed. He found himself involved for that reason in two theological controversies, which we shall, God willing, address next time.
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