Saturday, March 11, 2006


Although he enjoyed foreign travel, Principal T. M. Lindsay had one complaint - some of his fellow tourists!

"I should have liked to have seen you entertain those carriages full of American women. I have no doubt that you charmed them; but at what a cost! Why does the average American do two very objectionable things? - Pay one compliments to one's face in the most deliberate way, and also demand categorical answers to conundrums of thought, or what they consider thinking. I went one day to lunch with an American lady and her companion. What do you think of this? "Dr. Lindsay, will you give me in one clear succinct paragraph a summary of your views on the bringing up of children?"
"Certainly, I'll give you them in two words. 'Wholesome Neglect.'" "Oh Maria" (this to the companion) "would not Amelia D. Parkes call that answer perfectly lovely?" What can you do with such people, save resolve to keep as far away from them as possible?
But some Americans, men and women, are the most delightful persons one can meet."

Letters of T. M. Lindsay to Janet Ross Pp. 15-16



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