Preaching this coming Lord's Day

God willing, this coming Lord's Day I shall be preaching at the New Life Bible Presbyterian Church, Salusbury Road, Queen's Park, London. The chapel is just a few minutes' walk from the Queen's Park tube station. This link is to the history of the Church, which records how the congregation came out from the URC and now stands fully for the Truth of the Bible. We believe that there is a message in his history for us all, and it is thus: 'Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing.' Christians are called to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. How, then can the Church of Christ ever be yoked with the synagogue of Satan? It cannot, it should not!
Services are at 11.00 AM and 4.00 PM. There is a fellowship lunch at 1.00 between the services.
Labels: Preaching
This link is to the history of the Church, which records how the congregation came out from the URC and now stands fully for the Truth of the Bible.
This link is to the official history of the Church...
Same thing, surely?
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