Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Declaring the Death of Christ: James Denney. XIII.

James Denney contended that the Cross could only be preached effectively if it was preached as Christ dying the 'room and stead' of sinners.

"I have a friend in Scotland, a convert, I dare say you will be glad to hear, of Mr. Moody during his first visit to us in 1874, who has himself been wonderfully blessed by God as an evangelist and carer for souls. He is a fishing-tackle maker and an enthusiastic fisherman, and told me once of losing his bait in a mysterious way without catching anything. The explanation was that by some accident or other the barb had been broken from the hook. It was my friend himself who made the application of this, when he said that this was exactly what happened when people preached the love of God to men, but left out of their gospel the essential truth that it is Christ on the Ross, the substitute for sinners, in whom that love is revealed. In other words, the condemnation of our sins in Christ upon His Cross is the barb on the hook. If you leave that out of your gospel, I do not deny that your bait will be taken; men are pleased rather than not to think that God regards them with goodwill; your bait will be taken, but you will not catch men. You will not create in human hearts that attitude to Christ which created the New Testament. You will not annahilate pride, and make Christ the Alpha and the Omega in man's redemption."
(Studies in Theology P. 127-8)

Do we not need such a clear view today? Next time, God willing, we shall continue with Denney's life and career.



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