Where I was Today

Today I was at the Spurgeon Fraternal at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. There Dr. Masters decried certain Christian bloggers who use their blogs to distribute all sorts of trivia and fluff. We trust that Free St. George's will never descend to that level. Nothing is posted here that we are not persuaded is important and worth bringing before the people of God. This is a challenge to Christian bloggers. Are we blogging what is worthwhile, or parading our egos in front of the world?
But Dr. Masters' intention was not simply to make remarks on blogs (he admitted to having read four). In fact he was trying to bring attention to the fact that so many Christians, even Reformed Christians, have two 'faces'. We are not sure if we want to be fully committed to Christ or not, we live with one foot in the world, and the other in the Church. I use the 'we' deliberately. This is not just the 'preacher's we', but the Pauline 'we'. We Christians. Sanctification is important, but especially decision. A divided heart will not do so much for the Lord as one which has been deliberately given to God and is consciously being offered to Him every hour. Reader, are you doing that? I am asking myself that question too. I do not want your answer, but the Lord wants our answers.
How'd you blag your way into a ministers fraternal? Are you a minister AND a theological student (if that makes any sense as all ministers should be theological students anyway!).
But that's a minor. So, Dr Masters has read four blogs. I'm worried. Given that other elders at the Tabernacle have read mine, I could be in danger. I know he has looked at the Pyro...
I'll probably get collared at seminary on Saturday and get expelled for blogging!!
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